This Notice sets out important information about the election process for Directors at the Club in 2024.
- The Board is elected pursuant to the Triennial Rule (i.e., where a third of the Board is elected each year on a rotating basis).
- Three (3) Directors will be elected each year for a term of three (3) years.
- Members can nominate in 2024 for election to the Board as a Director or as the President.
- Members should review the Constitution to determine whether or not they can stand for and be elected to the Board.
- If Members have any queries regarding their eligibility to nominate for or be elected to the Board, they should contact Barnaby as soon as reasonably practicable.
Opening of nominations:
- Nomination forms are available from Barnaby’s Office during the nomination period which shall be from 10.00am Tuesday, 3 September 2024 until 5.00pm on Monday, 23 September 2024.
- Completed nomination forms must be returned to Barnaby during the nomination period.
Closing of nominations:
- Nominations shall be made on the nomination form and shall be signed by 2 eligible Members and by the Nominee.
- The form must be lodged no later than 5.00pm on Monday, 23 September 2024.
- A nomination cannot be withdrawn after the close of nominations and any anomalies contained in the nominations form must be rectified before this time.
- Members are responsible for ensuring their nomination form has been correctly completed and their proposers and seconders are eligible to nominate Members for election to the Board.
Nominees are advised that if elected they may be asked to complete the mandatory Clubs NSW Director training within twelve (12) months of their appointment. Nominees appointed or elected as a Club Director need to apply for a Director Identification Number prior to their appointment. Barnaby can help in this regard.
If a vote is required ballot papers will be forwarded to eligible Members by 14 October 2024 with voting to close by 5.00pm on 25 October 2024. All papers are to be returned to the Club before this date. A list of nominees will be posted on the noticeboard and updated as additional nominations are received, for the reference of Members.
Barnaby Sumner
General Manager & Returning Officer
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